At THE FORGE you will be inspired and challenged to live out your faith daily.
We promise you will experience exciting activities like watermelon wrestling, water wars, color wars, cage ball, sand volleyball, skits, and so much more! At THE FORGE, you‘ll see how simple moments can turn into unforgettable memories and why campers will want to return year after year.
At THE FORGE you will be inspired and challenged to live out your faith daily.
We promise you will experience exciting activities like watermelon wrestling, water wars, color wars, cage ball, sand volleyball, skits, and so much more! At THE FORGE, you‘ll see how simple moments can turn into unforgettable memories and why campers will want to return year after year.
DROP OFF Location: First Baptist Church (915 S Cedar St, Colville WA)
DROP OFF Date: June 17th
DROP OFF Time: 8:30am
OTHER INFO: We will be taking the Church Bus to the Camp which is located at Waitts Lake Bible Camp - 3362 Thompson Road #D, Valley, WA 99181
PICK UP Location: First Baptist Church (915 S Cedar St, Colville WA)
PICK UP Date: June 20th
PICK UP Time: 11:00am
DROP OFF Date: June 17th
DROP OFF Time: 8:30am
OTHER INFO: We will be taking the Church Bus to the Camp which is located at Waitts Lake Bible Camp - 3362 Thompson Road #D, Valley, WA 99181
PICK UP Location: First Baptist Church (915 S Cedar St, Colville WA)
PICK UP Date: June 20th
PICK UP Time: 11:00am

Our Desire is for THE FORGE to be the place that is Spiritually LIFE CHANGING.
Our Theme verse is Proverbs 27:17 which says "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
We want THE FORGE to be the place where Christian young people will be truly challenged and sharpened so they can be the next generation that God desires them to become.
A generation that fully devotes themselves to Christ, who is sharing the gospel as well as lives it out!
Who gets involved in our churches and becomes the leaders that will change our Churches and country for the Lord!
Young people who know the Word of God and follow it above anything else.
How do we seek to do this at the forge?
- Intentional Discipleship
- Scripture Memorization
- 20 Hours of Messages and Worship
- Small Groups that deeply challenge our young people to apply truths to their daily walk.
- godly staff and counselors who are trained and prepared to train
- Camp Responsibilities where teens will help with the daily chores of running camp
- Fellowship, where teens can be sharpened by the relationships they make around the word of God
- A bonfire testimony night where teens can share testimonies and challenge one another to commit to true discipleship.
This is our FOCUS. This is what makes up THE FORGE
Our Theme verse is Proverbs 27:17 which says "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
We want THE FORGE to be the place where Christian young people will be truly challenged and sharpened so they can be the next generation that God desires them to become.
A generation that fully devotes themselves to Christ, who is sharing the gospel as well as lives it out!
Who gets involved in our churches and becomes the leaders that will change our Churches and country for the Lord!
Young people who know the Word of God and follow it above anything else.
How do we seek to do this at the forge?
- Intentional Discipleship
- Scripture Memorization
- 20 Hours of Messages and Worship
- Small Groups that deeply challenge our young people to apply truths to their daily walk.
- godly staff and counselors who are trained and prepared to train
- Camp Responsibilities where teens will help with the daily chores of running camp
- Fellowship, where teens can be sharpened by the relationships they make around the word of God
- A bonfire testimony night where teens can share testimonies and challenge one another to commit to true discipleship.
This is our FOCUS. This is what makes up THE FORGE
Below are some Frequently asked questions about camp. If you have any additional ones please feel free to reach out! We want every parent and teen to be confident that THE FORGE is the right place to be part of for Summer camp!
How much spiritual stuff happens at THE FORGE?
The Forge seeks to bring teens closer to the Lord and so our emphasis and focus is on the spiritual. Teens will experience over 20 hours of energetic messages and worship that will seek to move their relationship closer to Christ. Each day there will be cabin devotions and small groups where teens will be challenged in a intimate atmosphere to apply the truths they are learning to their daily walk with the Lord.
What is the Camp Atmosphere like?
At THE FORGE we seek to have a fun, but having a God honoring atmosphere is our priority. Teens will never be alone with another leader or another teen at any time. We have trained adults who are camp staff who will be overseeing all activities so that we can make sure everything is above board and everyone is safe. Girls and Guys have separate lodging areas. Guys will never be allowed in the girls area or vice versa. There also will not be any public displays of affection allowed either.
What are the sleeping arrangements like?
We are excited to have Dorm Rooms at THE FORGE that teens get to stay in during the week. Each room can hold up to 10 teens and includes a separate bathroom and shower. There will be adult staff of the same gender staying with the teens on their halls. All teen Rooms will have an adult counselor staying with them for supervision.
Is camp safe?
At THE FORGE we put a high priority on our camp security! We are thankful for a campus that is very secure and that all the events and buildings are very close to one another. We do have a Security team that is on watch 24 hours a day. They ensure that no one is allowed on to the camp grounds without checking in and without first getting approved to be there. On top of that we have a full time Registered Nurse on staff that will take care of all the health needs of our campers. Every group of teens will have a full time cabin leader or counselor that will ensure that each teen is safe and where they need to be including in their rooms at night. You are entrusting your teen with us and so we don't take that lightly.
Are Cell Phones Allowed?
We do not allow any cell phones while at camp. We believe that cell phones can be a distraction for teens and so we ask them not to bring them. If a parent needs to get a hold of a teen they are welcome to contact Pastor David at anytime at 509-690-1229
Can my teen choose to room with a friend?
YES! When a teen registers there is a box they can check to room with a friend. They will type in the name of their friend on that form and we will make sure they room together! The only requirements for this are that the teen must be of the same gender and we only allow Jr Hg to room with Jr Hg and Sr Hg with Sr Hg. If you have a teen that is currently in 8th grade (Jr Hg) , but will be moving into Sr Hg this fall they can room with Sr Hg if they wish.